Sunday 20 September 2020

An Expensive Cup of Coffee

coffee shop in London is selling what it claims is “the most expensive cup of coffee in the UK” for £50, with only 15 servings of the costly brew available. Queens of Mayfair, which was opened by sisters Grace and Victoria Sheppard in March 2020, is located on Queen Street in MayfairThe Ethiopan “Cup of Excellence” Queens Coffee being sold by the artisan coffee shop was purchased at auction by the company’s roaster. The rare beans, which won first place at the Cup of Excellence Competition, typically retail for approximately £2,000 per kilogram. Once the coffee has been prepared at Queens of Mayfair – a process that involves the beans being ground by hand – it is served to customers in a crystal wine glass. The coffee shop states that one serving of the coffee could be enough for either one or two people.