Sunday 6 October 2019

Amazon Walk Out

Amazon warehouse workers in the US are protesting about their working conditions in the latest battle between the company and its workforce. The unrest follows allegations that the company terminated the employment of one worker who was in hospital with a dying relative and that it is suppressing working hours in order to prevent staff claiming for medical insurance. Staff in the company's Sacramento and Minnesota fulfilment centres - where orders are packaged and dispatched - walked out for short periods this week. According to their complaint, part-time staff are only permitted 10 days' unpaid leave a year - regardless of the reason for that leave - and if staff breach this limit by a single hour, they are fired. One worker said: "We are told this is only part-time work, but they are still hiring more. We need more hours. We have no value here, they treat us like we are not human beings. Tonight we stand together to say no more!"