Sunday 3 March 2019

Kit Kat Goes Green

The chocolate coating is an Instagrammable – if lurid – lime green, with the promise of a “sweet and fragrant” flavour. Fifteen years after it went on sale in Japan to squeals of acclaim, the matcha green tea KitKat will hit UK supermarket shelves from this month as its manufacturer, Nestlé, brings the cult snack to a wider European audience – albeit with its flavour modified for our less-refined tastebuds. The matcha white chocolate four-finger bar is the most popular flavour of the mindboggling 350-plus KitKat varieties – including cherry blossom, edamame bean and sweet potato – which have been developed for the Japanese market. The powdered green tea has gone from niche Japanese speciality enjoyed at traditional tea ceremonies to one of the UK’s most popular flavours. Selfridges says it is one of the bestsellers on its grocery aisle, with sales up nearly 80% year on year.